27 Apr, 2024

Pakistan baby born with two penises, no anus in rare medical condition

A toddler boy turned into born in Pakistan with  penises and no anus, as consistent with a paper posted in International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. The uncommon scientific phenomenon referred to as diphallia impacts one in 6 million births. The boy can be capable of byskip stool thru a gap created through a colonoscopy […]

1 min read

Islamabad reacts after UK minister’s ‘British Pakistani men rape…’ remark

Pakistan on Wednesday refuted UK`s domestic secretary Suella Braverman’s allegations that British-Pakistani guys are a part of grooming gangs that “pursue, drug, rape, and damage inclined English girls”, calling them as “discriminatory” and “xenophobic.” Islamabad’s overseas office (FO) spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch stated that she painted a “fantastically deceptive picture, signalling the cause to goal […]

1 min read