Vergecast: MacBook Air M2 review, Elon vs. Twitter, and Apple beta season
Every Friday, The Verge publishes our flagship podcast, The Vergecast, where editor in chief Verge Nilay Patel, Editor-At-big David Pierce, and Editor implementer Alex Cranz discusses this week in technology news with journalists and editors who cover the biggest story .
In today’s episode, Nilay, David, and Alex chatted with Verge Review and Seifert editors about our review of the newly designed MacBook Air with an M2 processor. We always consider MacBook Air as the best Apple laptop for most users – is that still true? Of course, we can’t let this week without sailing the latest news in the story of “Elon Musk Buys Twitter”. Senior reporter Verge Liz Lopatto returned to divide everything and explain what options would be left after this went to the Chancellor Court.
In the last segment, we focus on the beta that came out of Cupertino this week. David has a strong feeling about the iPados 16 and the new stage manager features.There are many more in all of that, so listen here or in the Podcast player your choice for complete performances.
Amazon’s robot is just an Alexa on wheels
Amazon Astro is a household robot that will cost $ 1499.99 when sold (you can ask for an invitation to test it $ 1,000 now). Designed mainly as a cellular camera for home safety, it is also Alexa’s smart speaker on the wheels. While the concept of innovative, without weapons, is really not much that this robot can do.