‘Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles’ Season 2 Coming to Netflix in September 2022
Based on the Stan Sakai comic book series titled Usagi Yojobo, Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles made a big debut on Netflix in late April 2022. Now, we already know that this series will return for the second and better season, that next, The Batch will be Come in September 2022. First ordered in 2020, the animated series came from Netflix Animation, Atomic Monster Productions, Dark Horse Entertainment, Gaumont Animation, and 88 Pictures. The first season of 10 episodes focused on a rabbit teenager with the name Yuichi who had to work with his loyal friends to defend the city of Neo Edo.
According to the top 10 data, the series displayed in the top 10 children in most regions throughout the world. In the United States, it was displayed in the top 10 children for a total of 19 days before dropping out of school. In England, it is displayed for 16 days. The best performing countries for the title include Jamaica, Bahamas, Portugal, Czech Republic, and Denmark. Reviews from the audience are finally mixed with currently holding 57% on Rottentenomatoes and 6.6 on IMDB.
Many want to show that this series is not closely related to comics as expected by some people but the others think that survives with one reviewer who says, “As an imaginative exploration of the Sakai world, it’s amazing”. For those who don’t know, comics occur in the past, while this series is arranged in the future and has a different protagonist.
Is Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles has been updated for season 2?
Now a few months after the release, we have confirmed that the event will, in reality, will return, but the details are thin now about what the second season is like. Given the animation nature of Netflix and renewal in the past, the possibility of this second episode collection is not far and is part of the initial order (this confirmation below).