25 Mar, 2025

Editorial Policy

3 mins read

National Newsy, we aim to maintain the high journalist standards so that we can provide unique and quality articles and news for our viewers. If you want to write for us, then you should follow some instructions, if not followed then it can be rejected by us. When dealing with us you will have a written contract that will demand written agreement to this policy.


National Newsy website accepts 100% unique articles. Moreover, it should pass Copyscape and other plagiarism checks also. The writer should provide never published before the content for approval by the editors. Along with this, you should focus on writing content that should value our readers because re-written articles or plagiarized articles will be rejected by the team. So, keep these few things if you want to deal with us.

Claims and Data

All the claims and data about finance should be examined before including in the article. No false data and claims should be mentioned in the articles because they will be not be entertained by the clients. We ensure that all the data published by us will be available in the public domain and will also be verified by all the relevant sources. The writer must link the data to the relevant website where it was published previously.

Always remember to provide empirical shreds of evidence about all the claims mentioned. You can also include pictures, graphs, and screenshots for proving your claims. If any authority website, an expert backs your claim, then you should avoid using them in articles.


All the articles written by you should value our readers. Furthermore, the article should have a definite objectives that must be followed to provide value. Our aim is to provide the latest news to our readers and help them to understand the nuances of various finances. All the articles provided by you should be unbiased and there should be no promotion of any currency, market or company.

Promotions and Marketing

No article of yours should contain any promotion or marketing about a company, person or finance. The title, sub-headings and the content of the articles should always remain unbiased and straight forward. You should not link any article that promotes any company, person or any finance. We strongly discourage the use of promotional or marketing links in our content.


Be careful because our readers are not general public instead they are ones interested in finance. Your content should have valuable information related to the finance sphere for our readers because the aim of ours is to provide the latest information and news about different finances. Ergo, you should understand our readers before writing an article for them.

Acceptance of the article

The article acceptance is totally based on the editorial board. Our editors will accept and reject the article without any explanation. When the article is accepted, we will pass on the information to you. Each decision will be made on the basis of the team and will be binding to all the writers.

News writing

Whenever writing news for us, you should remember to verify it with all the sources. Even though we have less time for the publication still we need to find it essential to focus on the authenticity of every post before publication. Also, make sure that the news should have pieces of evidence available.

Lastly, we request you to follow the editorial policy for the creation of high-quality content for our readers.