Co-Pilot In US Dies After Exiting Plane Mid-Air Without Parachute During Emergency Landing
In a terrible incident, a small plane co-pilot died on Friday after getting out of the plane at North Carolina, USA, before making an emergency landing.According to The Independent, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) informed that the Aviocar Casa CN-212 which landed on the grass at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport. But the co-pilot’s body, which was identified as a 23-year-old Charles Hew Crooks, was found in the backyard, about 48 kilometers south of the airport. The aircraft pilot, on the other hand, was found alone on the plane and taken to the nearest hospital with a minor injury.
In a statement, the police said, “Previously today, around law enforcement and fire extinguishers responded to the Sonoma Springs subdivision with the aim of finding co-pilot that had left the plane while in the middle of the flight.”
In accordance with the New York Post, the police tried to find out why Mr. Crooks was not in the cockpit when the plane crashed into the runway. They told me that the 23 -year -old player did not wear a parachute. They believe that his body fell about 3,500 feet. The authorities were still unsure if he died before the incident. It is also unclear whether Mr Crooks jumped from the plane or crashed from that.
The first respondent found a co-pilot when a resident reportedly lowered them after they heard something in their backyard, Darshan Patel, operating manager for Emergency Management Wake County, said. He also told me that before the accident, the pilot had asked for air traffic assistance because they lost the right wheel of the plane.
Now, both the Federal Aviation Authority and the National Transportation Safety Council are now investigating the incident.