27 Mar, 2025

Mouse With Covid Bit Scientist At Lab. What Happened Next

A mouse bite is at the center of an disquisition into a possible new Covid-19 outbreak in Taiwan, after a worker at a high- security laboratory was verified as the islet’s first original case in further than a month The lab worker, a woman in her 20s, tested positive for Covid this week after coming […]

3 mins read

Omicron symptoms mild with or without vaccination, says South Africa doctor who flagged variant

New Delhi: Covid cases infected by the Omicron variant, whether vaccinated or not, generally witness mild symptoms, however in the unvaccinated, they’re more violent and last longer, said Dr Angelique Coetzee, who’s among the croakers who first flagged the largely shifted strain in South Africa. Among the vaccinated, two or three days are generally enough […]

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